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92 Old Rte 9W, New Windsor, NY 12553


Why We Love Xeomin

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Do you want to look younger and more vibrant? Find out the benefits of Xeomin and the best plastic surgery consultants to answer all your questions in this guide.

What is Xeomin?

Xeomin is a neurotoxin, which means it’s a protein that blocks nerve signals. It’s used to smooth out wrinkles on the face. It paralyzes the muscles that cause wrinkles, like crow’s feet and frown lines. The treatment takes about 5 minutes.

Injections of Xeomin are typically administered every four to six months. While other injectables on the market contain botulinum toxin, Xeomin is unique in that it is the purest form of botulinum, without any additives or preservatives. As a result, there is significantly less risk of resistance, allergic reaction or skin irritation.

Benefits of Xeomin

There are multiple benefits of Xeomin. Here are the top five benefits of using Xeomin:

  1. Fewer wrinkles. Xeomin is a neurotoxin that works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles. In clinical trials, Xeomin effectively reduced the appearance of crow’s feet and frown lines.
  2. Safety. Xeomin has been used safely for more than a decade. It has also been studied extensively in clinical trials and found to be safe and effective.
  3. Natural-looking results. Because Xeomin targets specific muscles, in the hands of an experienced injector, it will produce very natural-looking results.
  4. Low risk of allergic reactions. Unlike competing products, allergic reactions to Xeomin are extremely rare.

Avoiding the early signs of aging is not an impossible task. With Xeomin, you can achieve a younger and vibrant look in minutes. The most important aspect is to ensure you consult with board-certified practitioners. Check out Fugo Plastic Surgery’s website at  or call 845-565-7040 to book an appointment. Dr. Fugo Plastic Surgery, Laser and Skin Care Center is located in New Windsor, New York.

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Dr. Fugo Plastic Surgery or The MedSpa by Futalo Aesthetics

We help you be the best version of yourself. Get natural-looking results for a more vibrant you.

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